1. Ceramic Plate is a card-type "ion generation" air purifier.

Ceramic Plate is a card-type air purifier that generates ions in the space around it (theoretically about 1.5 to 2 m) on a constant basis by reacting with water molecule in the air. Ions generated in the surrounding space are anticipated to reduce the risk of inhaling pollen, virus, and allergens. This new technology solve the major issues of conventional ion air purifiers. Ions disappear in about one second ▶Ions continue to be generated Ions flow only about 40 cm even blowing with fan ▶longer ion flow distance The reason is that water molecules which is the main cause of ion generation are infinitely present in the air. Inspite of individual differences in the measurement with an air ion counter, the number of ions generated by Ceramic Plate at above 1,800/cm3* on average is confirmed. This is roughly the same ion density as in forest areas. In addition, the mechanism of ion generation is very similar to the theory of forest areas.

2. Expected effects of ion generation.

React with water molecules to generate ions around.

React with water molecules to generate ions around.

Generated ions are electrical unstable and have the tendency to attract surrounding substances. Generated ions perform an air purifying effect by two major actions.

① [Surround and pull away] positively- and negatively-charged ions surround substances such as allergens, and draw ions in a chain reaction. The allergens get heavier and fall before entry the body.

② [Oxidation by reactive oxygen species] Generated ions, which have the same properties as reactive oxygen species, react with and oxidize substances such as viruses to reduce the risk of invasion of the body. Oxidized substances lose their original functions that in turn become inactive.

3. Example of oxidation by hydroxyl radicals (OH) (example of influenza viruses)

Ions generated in the space around Ceramic Plate surround influenza viruses

Ions react on the surface of virus, oxidising species hydroxyl radicals (OH) are generated.

The generated hydroxyl radicals deprive hydrogen and destroy the virus's surface spike protein.

Influenza viruses, whose surface spike proteins have been destroyed, unable to bind tightly to a cell-surface and inactivated.

4. The mechanism of ion generation is exactly the same as in nature.

At the basin of waterfall, potential energy given by a difference in the altitude is applied to water molecules (the Lenard effect), and negative ions are generated when water droplets collide with each other or with a wetted solid in a place where water splashes. In forest areas, which negative ions are abundant like the area around waterfalls, water molecules in the air are decomposed due to the emission of weak radiant energy in the earth crust, and negative ions are generated.The technology of Ceramic Plate got a hint from the fact that negative ions are widespread in forest areas by the emission of weak radiant energy in the earth crust. By kneading functional materials which far-infrared radiation technology is applied into resin, the ion generation mechanism in forest areas is reproduced in a card-sized air purifier

5. The number of ions generated does not mean the more is better.

Some air purifiers on the market generate an extremely high concentration of ions, approximately 10,000/cm3 to 1 million/cm3. There are also portable air purifiers that provide an air purification effect by simply putting around the neck. Since these types of air purifiers artificially apply an electric current to generate ions, they have such a high concentration of ions. However, some of the generated ions have a very strong oxidizing species called hydroxyl radicals. How strong hydroxyl radicals are, for example, the reason why skin peeling after sunburn in summer is that the excessive reactive oxygen species generated in the body oxidize the skin cells and destroy the protein. In other words, an excess of ions generation means there are concerns about safety to human body. On the other hand, except for a very special case, there is no environment where the concentration of ions exceeds10,000/cm3 in the natural world. Even at the basin of waterfall, the concentration of ions is about 5000/cm3. The technology of Ceramic Plate succeed to reproduce the ion generation method in the natural environment, instead of an artificial mechanism.

6. Number of negative ion measurements on the Ceramic-Card.

The measured value of negative ions by the negative ion tester is about 1,300 to 1,600 ions/㎤. This is designed to generate an amount that is expected to be effective in alleviating problems in the air.

6. Presenteeism and allergic rhinitis .

Presenteeism refer to a situation that employees are not fully functioning in the workplace because of physical or mental health issues, despite the employees may be physically at work. *Absenteeism refers to a pattern of missing work without a valid reason. For instance, it is known that the work efficiency of employees who have hay fever decreases by at least 5 to 10% during the pollen season, and the work efficiency of employees who work even got a cold decreases by about 5%. These issues temporarily affect employee performance, and lower the profit level of company. In addition, physical illness causes a continuous deterioration of work performance. The influence of health issues such as allergic rhinitis on employee performance are partcularly significant in intellectual labour, and a typical example of Presenteeism in Japan is the pollen season. In the United States, economic loss caused by Presenteeism is regarded as an important issue. In a survey of 8,267 people from 27 companies, showing that the average total productivity lost per year due to allergic rhinitis was approximately USD 600 per year for all employees regardless of their symptoms.

Reference: Journal of Occupational Health, Conceptual analysis of Presenteeism and its potential use in Japan: Lamb C.E. et al. Current Medical Research and Opinion; 22, 2006

7. Relationship between pollen-induced allergic rhinitis and work performance.

8. Portable air purifier, Ceramic Plate & Ceramic Wristband.

There are many air pollutants around us, including
・ Pollen in spring and fall
・ Pandemic influenzas in the winter season
・ Pet allergens
・ Fine particulate matter (PM2.5)
・ Odor of cigarette smoke etc…

To reduce suffering from the air pollutants as above, Ceramic Plate & Ceramic Wristband were launched, providing an air purifying effect by simply wearing it.
Ceramic Plate & Ceramic Wristband are excellent in cost performance that no power supply or maintenance is required with long-lasting effects more than 2 years.
The more people wear Ceramic Plate & Ceramic Wristband, the surrounding air is getting cleaner. Ceramic Plate & Ceramic Wristband are a new form of air purification.

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